CIGA Governing Documents
Membership Constitution
This Association has been formed and exists as a non-profit organization for the purpose of promoting and conserving throughout the Cayman Islands the best interests and the true spirit of the game of golf as embodied in its ancient and honorable tradition. Please read the member constitution to learn more.
Code of Conduct
The Cayman Islands Golf Association (CIGA) has established rules and guidelines for participants qualifying for and playing in its competitions. It is required of all participants to adhere to this Code of Conduct while participating in any CIGA event or representing CIGA at any overseas event.
1. Attire:
Appearance during the qualifying, practice rounds and competition should be normal and acceptable golf attire: tank tops, tee-shirts, short shorts, denim shorts, and jeans are not acceptable;
During tournament play, any team uniform must be worn and tucked in at all times. Each team member is required to wear the items designated as the uniform for that day.
If a hat, cap or visor is worn, it shall be displayed in the proper manner and should be removed while indoors.
Team Uniforms as directed by the Team Manager should be worn during travel days and at Opening Ceremonies. On travel days, expectation is the jacket is worn at all times other than when on the airplane or in hot circumstances. Please discuss with the Team Manager if you are unsure. Most likely travel to the location will involve wearing the full team uniform (without tie) and return home will be casual, but please confirm with Team Manager.
2. Etiquette/Behavior:
Players competing in any CIGA event or representing CIGA overseas are expected to conduct themselves, both on and off the golf course, in a courteous, honest and sportsmanlike manner and to observe a high standard of behaviour.
A serious breach may include but is not limited to the following:
any use of abusive, obscene or inappropriate language,
abuse of alcohol or use of illegal drugs,
disrespect shown to course officials, volunteers, or golf professionals,
throwing of clubs,
failure to show for tee time without notifying a CIGA official or the Club Professional Staff
leaving the golf course (Note: Notification to a CIGA official is required prior to leaving the golf course during a competitive round when withdrawing for any reason including medical necessity),
mistreatment of the golf course in any way,
vandalism of any kind at a host hotel/facility,
disrespectful treatment of a host facility or property,
any other conduct not becoming of a CIGA event player
3. Coaching and Training:
If selected to represent CIGA on any team, players must make every effort to attend all pre-tournament coaching and training sessions.
4. Anti-Doping:
CIGA is part of the Cayman Islands Olympic Committee and as such all participants must comply with The World Anti-Doping Agency Code and 2014 Prohibited List. Random drug testing may occur and by accepting entry you agree to the random testing if selected.
5. Enforcement:
Any breach of the Code of Conduct considered to be serious may result in one or more of the following:
immediate rejection of entry to a tournament,
disqualification from a tournament under Rule 33-7 of the Rules of Golf,
suspension from a tournament,
deselection from any team representing CIGA, or
a ban from future selection for any team representing CIGA.
Any such action may be taken immediately by the tournament committee of the competition where the breach occurs or the manager selected by CIGA to be responsible for the team.
Any action taken will be assessed based upon the seriousness of the violation.
If any such action is taken, the player and the official taking any such action will be requested to submit a written account of the circumstances, supported by such evidence or statements as may be available, to the CIGA Committee within 24 hours. After review, the CIGA Committee may confirm or reverse the action taken, modify its severity, or take such other action as the Committee may consider appropriate.
6. Acceptance:
Entry in a CIGA competition is deemed to be acceptance of and an undertaking to abide by the Code of Conduct.