World Handicap System

WHS/GHIN Account Details
Each CIGA member receives a WHS/GHIN account with each year of active membership as a member benefit.
Sign up today to get your GHIN account!
What is the World Handicap System (WHS) all about?
Golf already has a single set of playing Rules, a single set of equipment Rules and a single set of Rules of Amateur Status overseen by the USGA and The R&A. The WHS has unified the six handicapping systems that existed previously into a single system that:
Enables golfers of different ability to play and compete on a fair and equitable basis, in any format, on any course, anywhere around the world;
Is easy to understand and implement, without sacrificing accuracy; and
Meets the varied needs and expectations of golfers, golf clubs and golf authorities all around the world and is adaptable to suit all golfing cultures.
The WHS encompasses both the Rules of Handicapping and the Course Rating System.
Download the GHIN App here:
Being a member of CIGA also allows you to gain and keep a USGA Handicap® through GHIN which is recognised around the world as part of the World Handicap System. Scores are recorded by each Member through the GHIN App. CIGA will also post handicaps monthly.
If you have any questions, email us at